Mouse pelangi Wavy Tail Toulousemanagement: “I Am Too Young to Study Abroad” – No, You Are Not!

Rabu, 26 April 2017

“I Am Too Young to Study Abroad” – No, You Are Not!

Have you ever had that wish to explore the world, to see other countries, to experience other cultures? And then there was that voice inside your head, talking to you, telling you a million and one reasons, why you can´t do it, why you won´t do it, why you will fail.
You see you are not alone. We all hear that voice. We all hear:
“You are too young”
“You will be lonely”
“It´s dangerous”
“It´s too long”
“You can´t even speak the language”

But you know what? Hearing it doesn´t have to mean, you have to listen to it. You can choose to be stronger than your primal instincts, you can choose your rational mind, you can choose to be in control and fight your fears and doubts. You are strong and you are capable.
I won´t lie to you, it might be a lot of work, yes, but it will be worth it. It will be so worth it! Getting out there and realizing that there is so much more than your own little town, your own country, it will challenge you. You might start to question, what you always believed to be true, you might realize that you love the way you grew up and your culture. You might want to stay in your new country, or you might be happy to go back home. It´s all possible, but one thing that will happen for sure, is that you will get to know yourself and your goals in life better, while getting a great education. Once you enter new structures, you will realize that there are also other ways of doing things and living your life. New possibilities will start to open up everywhere.

So, don´t let that small and silly voice inside your head keep you from creating the life you want. Don´t let your fears dictate your life. Start early, as a student, to fight a fear based way of living and go abroad, meet new people, learn new things and see that there is no reason to give up control of your life to negative emotions and thoughts. See that it is through overcoming obstacles that you learn the most. See that you don´t have to be afraid. See that you can do anything you set your mind to! Go study abroad! Create your life!
Source : Kim Jenifer Gorchs (Praktikant Euro Management Indonesia)

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